Terms of use

Terms of use

A. Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights
The copyright of the materials on this website belongs to PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS. All rights reserved. All materials are for non-commercial personal use only.
The terms listed below, as well as any other law or regulation applicable to the Website, the Internet or the World Wide Web, apply to all users of the Website.
This Website has been created for your personal information, education and communication. You may use the material displayed on the Website for non-commercial, personal use only, provided that you also comply with all the terms relating to copyright and industrial property rights in connection with the material contained on the Website. You may not, however, distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, post, or use the content of the Website for public or commercial purposes without the written permission of PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS.
Your access to and use of the Website is also subject to the following terms and conditions and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing the Website you accept, without limitation or reservation, the General Terms and acknowledge that any other agreements between you and PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS cease to have effect in relation to the matters governed herein.

B. General Terms
You must consider that everything you see or read on the Website is copyright of PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS unless otherwise stated, and may not be used otherwise than in these Terms and Conditions or in the text of the Website without the written permission of PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS does not warrant that the use of the materials presented on the Website will not infringe the rights of third parties who do not belong to or are not affiliated with PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS
Despite PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS 's reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on the Website, PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS does not warrant the accuracy of this information. PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of the Website.
Your use and browsing of the Website is at your own risk. Neither PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS, its executives or managers, employees, associates, any of its representatives, nor any other party involved in the creation, production or delivery of the Website is responsible for any direct, incidental, ancillary, indirect or damages arise from your access to, or use of, the Website. Without limiting the above, all that your website contains is provided as they have, without any form of guarantee, express or implicit, including any implicit guarantees of commercial exploitation, suitable for a specific purpose, or inadmissible. PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS also assumes no liability for or will be liable for any damage to your computer or for viruses that may infect your computer or other property that you have access to using, browsing, or downloading the Website. any material, data, text, images, videos, or audio from the Website.
Any communication or material you transmit to the Website via email or otherwise will be treated as non-confidential and will not be considered your property. Anything you transmit or post becomes the property of PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS or its affiliates and may be used for any purpose, subject to the Law. In addition, PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS is free to use any ideas, conceptions, know-how or techniques contained in any communication you submit to the Website for any purpose. Through your use of this Website, you may submit and / or PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS may collect limited information for any purpose it deems appropriate.
Images of individuals or sites appearing on the Website are either the property of PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS or "PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS " respectively or are used with their permission. The use of these images by you, or by anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these General Terms or special permission is granted elsewhere on the Website.
The trademarks, logos, and service marks (generally the "Trademarks") displayed on the Website are registered or unregistered Trademarks of PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS and others. Nothing contained on the Website should be construed as express or implied license or right to use any form of any Trademark appearing on the Website without the written permission of PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS or any third party.
may own the Trademarks displayed on the Website. Your use of the Trademarks appearing on the Website, or any other content thereof, other than those provided in these General Terms is strictly prohibited.
PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS has not inspected some or all of the sites linked to the Website and is not responsible for the content of any external pages or any sites linked to the Website. Your connection to the Website, with pages other than this Website or other Websites is at your own risk and without permission from PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS
Although PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS may from time to time monitor or review discussions, conversations, messages, broadcasts, bulletin boards, etc. on the Website, PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS has no obligation to do so and assumes no responsibility or liability. liability arising from the content of these sites or for any error, mere or defamatory, insulting, insulting, omitting, lying, profanity, pornography, blasphemy, danger or inaccuracy contained in any information on these sites of the Website. You may not send or transmit any illegal, threatening, defamatory, defamatory, abusive, incendiary, pornographic or blasphemous material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that could be considered a criminal offense, inciting or inciting any law in any other way.
PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS may at any time revise these Terms and Conditions by updating this message. You are committed to any of these reviews.

C. Privacy Policy for the PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS Company Website
The company with the name "PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS " (hereinafter the "Company") respects the personal privacy of each person who visits our website. This Privacy Policy summarizes the information that the Company may collect and how it may use that information. This Policy will also give you information about what you should do if you do not wish to collect or distribute your personal information when you visit the Company Website.
The Company will collect any personally identifiable information about you (eg, your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address ("personal data"), only if you provide them to us voluntarily If you do not wish to have your personal data collected, please do not submit it to us.
However, if you provide us with personal information, we may use this information, unless otherwise specified, in the following ways:
to store and process this information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our products and services.
we (or a performance assistant or a third party on our behalf in connection with a promotion action) may use this information to contact you, and / or
We may provide third parties collectively - but not individually - with information about the visitors or users of our Websites.
At this stage we do not make or intend to make your Personal Data available to third parties.
The Company does not intend to collect any personal data from persons under the age of eighteen. Where appropriate, the company will clearly inform children not to submit such information to our websites and / or will take any reasonable steps to secure parental consent for such submission.
Parents should be aware that the Company's Privacy Policy will govern the use of personal data by us, but this information is voluntarily provided by children - or others - in chat sessions, e-mail exchanges, bulletin boards or similar can be used by others to send unsolicited emails to children. The Company urges all parents to inform their children about the safe and responsible use of their personal data when they use the Internet.
Additional Information Collected Automatically
In some cases, we may automatically collect (e.g., not by subscription) technical information that is not personally identifiable when you link to the Website. Examples of this type of information include the type of Internet Browser you are using, the type of operating system of the computer you are using, and the domain name of the Website from which you connected to our website.
Information that is automatically placed in the Cookies files of your computer
While viewing one of the PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS Websites, we may store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of "Cookies" files or in the form of similar files and can help us in many ways. For example, Cookies allow us to customize a website to better suit your interests and preferences. With most Internet Browsers you can delete cookies from your hard drive, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is saved. Please refer to your Browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these features.
Copyright PORTO CONSTRUCTIONS. All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy Terms of Use